Designs Specifications

A template for each of our extensive range of USB drives is available. Ordinarily our clients require a logo and/or a few words for printing, most of the time a formal design is not required. If required simply request a template and we will email it to you promptly.

Please provide artwork as follows:

  • Design file type in order of preference: Illustrator, eps, psd or PDF
  • Resolution of 300 dpi or higher
  • Apply 2.5 mm bleed
  • Supply artwork as an outline

Fonts: Please include all printer and screen fonts used to create your artwork or convert to outlines.

Images: Make sure that you include all of your placed/embedded/imported images when you send your artwork.

Layers: Please do not flatten or rasterize your Photoshop files. We need the files layered and editable so we can convert the files into outlines to give you a high quality print on your drives.

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